essay on programming languages, computer science, information techonlogies and all.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

C++ template tutorial with code example

Parameterized Type

template < typename T >
class Vector 
  T* elem;
  int sz;

  explicit Vector(int s) 
    elem = new T[s];
    sz = s;

  T& operator[](int i) 
    if (i < 0 || i >= size()) throw out_of_range("[i] is out of bound");
    return elem[i]; 

  Vector< int > vi(200);
  vi[0] = 123;
  assert(vi[0] == 123);

  Vector< string > vs(17);
  vs[3] = "Hello";
  assert(vs[3] == "Hello");

  Vector< vector < int > > vli(45);
  vli[4] = vector({ 1, 2, 3 });
  assert(vli[4][1] == 2);

Function Template

template< typename T >
class Vector {
  // ...

  T* begin() const { return size() ? elem : nullptr; }
  T* end() const { return begin() + size(); }

template< typename Container, typename Value >
Value sum(const Container& c, Value v)
  for (auto x : c) v += x;
  return v;

  Vector< int > vi(4);
  vi[0] = 0; vi[1] = 1; vi[2] = 2; vi[3] = 3;
  double ds = sum(vi, 0.0);  // summation to double
  assert(ds == 6.0);

  int is = sum(vi, 0);  // summation to int
  assert(is == 6);

  list< double > ld;
  ld.push_back(3.0); ld.push_back(4.0);

  double ds = sum(ld, 0.0);
  assert(ds == 7.0);

Function Object

class Shape 
  virtual void draw() = 0;
  virtual void rotate( double degree ) = 0;

class Rect : public Shape 
  void draw() { cout << "rect"; }
  void rotate(double degree) { cout << "rotate"; }

class Circle : public Shape 
  void draw() { cout << "circle"; }
  void rotate(double degree) {}

template< typename C, typename Oper >
void for_all(C& c, Oper op)
  for (auto& x : c) op(x);

vector< unique_ptr< Shape > > v;
v.push_back(make_unique< Rect >());
v.push_back(make_unique< Circle >());

for_all(v, [](unique_ptr< Shape >& s){ s->draw(); });
for_all(v, [](unique_ptr< Shape >& s){ s->rotate(45); });

Variadic Templates

void foo() { cout << endl; }

template< typename T >
void bar(T x) { cout << x << " "; }

template < typename T, typename ...Tail >
void foo(T head, Tail... tail) 

foo(1, 2, 2, "Hello");
foo(0.2, 'c', "World!", 0, 1, 2);

Function Specialization

template < class T>
T MyMax(T a, T b) 
  return a > b ? a : b; 

template < >
const char* MyMax(const char* a, const char* b)
  return strlen(a) > strlen(b) ? a : b;

assert(MyMax(1, 2) == 2);
assert(MyMax("Morning", "Afternoon") == "Afternoon");

Function Specialization - Example

struct IO {
  int addr; 
  bool state;

struct Servo {
  int axis;
  double position;

struct Verify {
  template< typename T >
  static void Equal( T arg ) { throw exception("Should specialize"); }

  static void Equal(IO io) {
    cout << "check addr " << io.addr << " to be " << io.state << endl;

  static void Equal(Servo s) {
    cout << "check axis " << s.axis << " position is at " << s.position << endl;

Verify::Equal(IO{ 41, true });
Verify::Equal(Servo{ 3, 3.141592 });

Template Class Specialization - CompileTimeAssert

template< bool > struct CompileTimeAssert;
template< > struct CompileTimeAssert< true > {};

// CompileTimeAssert< sizeof(uint32_t) == 2  >();
CompileTimeAssert< sizeof(uint32_t) == 4 >();

// CompileTimeAssert< std::is_base_of::value >();
CompileTimeAssert< std::is_base_of::value >();

static_assert(std::is_base_of< Shape, Rect >::value, “Rect is a Shape");

Template Class Specialization - TypeTrait

template< typename T >
  struct IsVoid {
  static const bool value = false;

template< >
  struct IsVoid< void >{
  static const bool value = true;

template< typename T >
  struct IsPointer{
  static const bool value = false;

template< typename T >
  struct IsPointer< T* >{
  static const bool value = true;

CompileTimeAssert< IsVoid< void >::value >();
// CompileTimeAssert< IsVoid< int >::value >();

CompileTimeAssert< IsPointer< Shape* >::value >();
// CompileTimeAssert< IsPointer< Shape >::value >();

static_assert( is_pointer< Shape* >::value, "Shape* should be a pointer");

smart pointer to release resource automatically

class FILEReleasePolicy
 static void release(FILE* fp) { fclose(fp); }

using FILEPtr = Poco::SharedPtr;
  FILEPtr fp = fopen("temp.txt", "wt");
  fprintf(fp, "hello world");

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