essay on programming languages, computer science, information techonlogies and all.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lightweight Component Object Model

COM (Component Object Model)is an ambitious and grand paradigm that aimed to cover almost everything. First of all, it is compiler neutral and further more it is programming language neutral. And it can create object within a process or it allow to communicate with a service ( an component in a separate process ) via marshaling. And it allows multiple inheritance.

This grandness is what makes the COM to be dominant in various software project. Though it is heavy weight and has a steep learning curve. Compiler and language neutral brings in IDL ( Interface Definition Language ), VARIANT, BSTR and HRESULT. There can be no exception crossing object boundary. Object creation model brings in various registry scheme. Apartment model comes with lots of concepts e.g. MTA, STA, marshaling, server lifetime and so on. Installation needs registering the DLLs in a specific way.

There are lots of situation that we don't need too much freedom. For example, in a equipment control software, it is tightly controlled software project and won't need that much neutral stuff. Any changes in software should be heavily tested and usually deployed as a whole. And only one programming language is used to develop the whole control code. Engineer spends more time to make machine running rather than mixing two different programming language for the sake of grandness of software.

Now imagine what happen if a project doesn't need language neutral or compiler neutral. What happen if we don't need marshaling ? What happens if we want to throw exception from a sub module and catch it in a host module ? What if we can just use string or wstring ? What if we just want to drop a DLL into a specific folder ?

Here I will try to code a C++ component object model - named PlugIn - that will be written with C++ and complied with VisualStudio and nothing else. It can be created only within the host process and it only allows single inheritance.

// IPlugIn.h 
class IPlugIn
  virtual ~IPlugIn() {};
  virtual const char * GetID() const = 0;

typedef std::vector PlugInNameArray;

class IPlugInFactory : public IPlugIn
  virtual PlugInNameArray GetPlugInIDs() const = 0;
  virtual IPlugIn* Create( const char *ID ) = 0;
First IPlugIn is equivalent of IUnknown in COM. It is the base interface of all object exposed. Unlike IUnknown, it doesn't need QueryInterface because polymorphic cast i.e. dynamic_cast retrieves the interface desired - in type safe way. And as we don't support multiple inheritance, complex QueryInterface() doesn't necessary. AddRef() and Release() won't be necessary as boost smart pointer .i.e shared_ptr will be used to manage the allocated memory. Then it has to be noted that the class in DLL should be allocated by new as shared_ptr will clear it with delete. This leads to define virtual destructor.

IPlugInFactory is a factory pattern that delegate the creation of IPlugIn based one string id. This string id is what ProgID - Programmatic ID does. Again we don't use GUID for interface as we are gonna rely on the dynamic_cast.

GetPlugInIDs() is to retrieve all the supported class. This is to allow discovery of class dynamically. User is supposed to enumerate all the IDs and create and check whether it can be cast to the desired interface.

This IPlugIn.h declare what the basic interface looks like. This interface is exported using C functions as below.
#define LIBSPECS extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define LIBSPECS extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)

LIBSPECS IPlugInFactory* CPI_CreateFactory();
DllGetVersion is to let user knows the version of loaded DLL. According to Johnson M.Hart ( Windows System Programming 4th : 175-177 ), it is quite common practice in Microsoft. As it is not a good idea to invent a wheel, I use the same method.

CPI_CreateFactory() is the only entrance of the DLL. All the plugin in the DLL should be created using this interface.

Now the implementation of the plugin.

// IFoo.h
class IFoo : public IPlugIn
 virtual int Foo( int i ) = 0;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< IFoo > IFooPtr;

// PlugInFoo.cpp
class PlugInFoo : public IFoo
  const char * GetID() const { return s_PlugInClassName; }
  int Foo( int i ) { return i * i; }

  static const char *GetClassName() { return s_PlugInClassName; }

  static const char *s_PlugInClassName;

const char * PlugInFoo::s_PlugInClassName = "CPI.PlugInFoo.1";

class FooPlugInFactory : public IPlugInFactory
  const char * GetID() const { return "CPI.PlugInFooFactory.1"; }

  PlugInNameArray GetPlugInIDs() const 
    PlugInNameArray names;
    names.push_back( PlugInFoo::GetClassName() );
    return names;

  IPlugIn* Create( const char *plugInName ) 
    std::string strPlugInName( plugInName );
    if( strPlugInName == PlugInFoo::GetClassName() )
      return new PlugInFoo();
      return NULL;

IPlugInFactory* CPI_CreateFactory()
  return new FooPlugInFactory();

IFoo.h is what is going to be shared with host process. This is what the host process going to cast on the created object.

Implementation of IFoo.h and IPlugInFactory is almost trivial. PlugInFoo can return it's class name as ID and FooPlugInFactory is returning this class name as it's sole PlugIn. Of course, it can return more than a IDs. Create() is just allocating memory and returning it to the user.

Now it is turn to Host process. It should be able to retrieve a known interface in a DLL based on the known id. Here I put these function in a hpp file so that it can be used by just adding this header.
// PlugInModule.hpp

class PlugInModule
  PlugInModule() : m_hDLL( NULL ) {}


    if( m_hDLL ) {
      FreeLibrary( m_hDLL );

  void Load( const _TCHAR * filename )
    m_hDLL = LoadLibrary( filename );
    if( m_hDLL == NULL ) {
      throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("%s is not a valid DLL"), filename ) );

    FN_DllGetVersion DllGetVersion = 
      (FN_DllGetVersion) GetProcAddress( m_hDLL, "DllGetVersion" );
    if( DllGetVersion == NULL ) {
      throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("%s is not a supported PlugIn DLL"), filename ) );

    if( S_OK != DllGetVersion( &m_VerInfo ) ) {
      throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("Failed to get version info of the PlugIn DLL %s"), filename ) );

    FN_CPI_CreateFactory CPI_CreateFactory = 
      (FN_CPI_CreateFactory) GetProcAddress( m_hDLL, "CPI_CreateFactory" );

    if( CPI_CreateFactory == NULL ) {
      throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("%s is not a supported PlugIn DLL"), filename ) );

    m_PlugInFactory = IPlugInFactoryPtr( CPI_CreateFactory() );

  template< typename TPlugIn >
  boost::shared_ptr< TPlugIn > CreatePlugIn( const char *name )
    if( m_PlugInFactory == NULL ) { throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("No plugin in loaded") ) ); }

    IPlugIn* plugIn = m_PlugInFactory->Create( name );
    if( plugIn == NULL ) {
      throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("No plugin found with give name %s"), name ) );

    TPlugIn* targetPlugIn = dynamic_cast< TPlugIn* > ( plugIn );
    if( targetPlugIn == NULL ) {
      delete plugIn;
      throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("Can't convert to taregt plugin interface with %s"), name ) );

    return boost::shared_ptr< TPlugIn >( targetPlugIn );

  const DLLVERSIONINFO& GetVersionInfo() const 
    if( m_hDLL == NULL ) { throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("No DLL has been loaded yet" ) ) ); }

    return m_VerInfo; 

  PlugInNameArray GetPlugInIDs() const
    if( m_hDLL == NULL ) { throw Exception( StringFormat::As( _T("No DLL has been loaded yet" ) ) ); }
    return m_PlugInFactory->GetPlugInIDs();
  typedef boost::shared_ptr IPlugInFactoryPtr;
  typedef IPlugInFactory* (* FN_CPI_CreateFactory)();
  typedef HRESULT (* FN_DllGetVersion)(DLLVERSIONINFO *);

  IPlugInFactoryPtr m_PlugInFactory;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< PlugInModule > PlugInModulePtr;

Above hpp can be used as below code. User just load a dll and can create interface with known ID.
#include "PlugInModule.hpp"

  PlugInModulePtr plugInFoo( new PlugInModule() );

  plugInFoo->Load( _T("PlugInFoo.DLL") );
  IFooPtr foo( plugInFoo->CreatePlugIn( "CPI.PlugInFoo.1" ) );
  foo->Foo( 10 )  
This light weight component object model is very restricted but it can be an easy alternative to the heavy weight COM.

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