essay on programming languages, computer science, information techonlogies and all.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

CUDA Study - texture memory

CUDA provides a special memroy type so called texture memory. When image is stored in this memory, it's layout is not row-major but interleaving. This layout is supposed to give better hit and give boost on the load operation when spatially distanced pixels are used. And it provides a linear filtering in hardware which eliminate liner interpolation in the kernel.

As the memory does not have a common layout, it should be created with dedicated method - cuaMallocArray and is read-only and only accessible using special texture fetch functions.  Well in 5.0 CUDA, they say it can be written using Surface API but that's not discussed in here

The CUDA programming guide tells that there are two API for texture. One is Texture Reference API and the other is Texture Object API. The Texture Reference API is used in here. It seems that static texture variable is the only short-fall compared to Texture Object API. And Object API is introduced at 5.0 which means there is not many help if stuck.

// texture<> is only allowed as file scope static variable
// cudaReadModeElementType can't be used with cudaFilterModeLinear with uint8_t texel 
texture< uint8_t, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat > gPitch2Texture;

__global__ void KernelPitch2()
  // add 0.5f to all texture coordinates for center offset
  float east, west, center;
  east = tex2D( gPitch2Texture, (float)( x - pc->Pitch + 0.5f), (float)(y+0.5f) ) * 255;
  west = tex2D( gPitch2Texture, (float)( x + pc->Pitch + 0.5f), (float)(y+0.5f) ) * 255;
  center = tex2D( gPitch2Texture, (float)(x+0.5f), (float)(y+0.5f) ) * 255;

  float diff = ( center * 2.0f  - ( east + west ) ) / 2.0f;

void CUDA_Pitch2( ... )
  cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc< uint8_t >();

  // texture memory should be created using cudaArray and binded with texture handle
  struct cudaArray *devSrcArray;
  cudaMallocArray( &devSrcArray, &channelDesc, width, height );
  cudaMemcpyToArray( devSrcArray, 0, 0, h_src, imgSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

  gPitch2Texture.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
  gPitch2Texture.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
  gPitch2Texture.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
  gPitch2Texture.normalized = false;

  cudaBindTextureToArray( gPitch2Texture, devSrcArray, channelDesc );

  const int THREAD_WIDTH = 64, THREAD_HEIGHT = 4;
  dim3 grids( 
    (int)ceil( (double)(roiRight-roiLeft+1) / (double)blocks.x ), 
    (int)ceil( (double)(roiBottom-roiTop+1) / (double)blocks.y )
  KernelPitch2<<< grids, blocks >>>( ... )

  cudaFreeArray( devSrcArray );

This makes KernelPitch2 finish in 2.117ms and makes total through put to be around 740MB/s. The last score was 630MB/s - pinned host memory and shared load version.

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