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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Annotated Verilog code for AXI-Stream FIFO interface

At Zynq, there is AXI-Stream FIFO to send/receive data between Processor and FPGA. It has two separate FIFOs - one for transmitting data to FPGA and receiving from FPGA. Here I will explain verilog code that can interface the FIFO with annotation.

First the module named decoder needs ports definitions. FIFO TX ports will be received by RX ports - rx_data, rx_valid, rx_ready. You can define special property - ( * X_INTERFACE_INFO ... *) - to group related ports which allows you to connect group ports - AXI_STR_TXD to RX. And TX to AXI_STR_RXD.  

In here, the FIFO data is treated as instruction. And FSM is implemented with FETCH-LOAD-(TX)-DONE cycle. 

When the module get reset_n - active low reset, the FSM get initialized. It can receive data from TX FIFO but no data to send to RX FIFO. 

At FETCH, when TX FIFO is 1, read rx_data.   

At LOAD, if instruction is CMD_WRITE, turn on/off led. If CMD_READ, prepare tx_data for send to TX FIFO 

At TX, send tx_data.  At DONE, we are ready to receive but nothing to send.

For the complete code, refer below.