Rigid Transformation
A point P in the world can be expressed as Body coordinate as well as World coordinates, and the relationship between the two are rigid transformation - rotation and translation - like below.Refer Wiki - Kinematics : Matrix representation
Image resolution and dimension
A point at an image can be expressed on world coordinates using Image resolution - i.e. mm / pixel - and dimension. At below, resolution is r. W is width and H is Height. Point at center (0,0) will be (320,240) of 640x480 image.Geometric Model
For example, there is a pixel point (P) on a camera ( C ), that is offseted ( CO ) and assmebled to a machine (W).And the machine has a stage (S) and it is moved by motor (M) and the stage has a point.
Then any point that camera see can be matched to a point on the stage.
Least square method on a linearized transformation matrix
If we know all other transformation except camera offset, then we can rearrange above equation like below for an i-th point.The unknown CO transformation matrix can be linearized in assumption that the angle is small.
Then the equation can be rearranged putting the unknown X on right. Then the unknown can be solved by matrix inversion. Refer Wiki - Least Square : Linear least squares
Weighted least square method
If there is an uncertainty on each measurment of pixel point, the uncertainty can be put as weight (W) on each pixel point.Then the equation can be rearranged for the unknown X. Note that element of X changed sign for convenience.