First here is IPlayer, DrJekyll and BruceBanner.
public interface IPlayer
stirng LiveIn { get; }
string Play();
public class DrJekyll : IPlayer
public string LiveIn { get { return "London"; } }
public string Play() { return "Strolling around " + LiveIn + " cautiously"; }
public class BruceBanner : IPlayer
public string LiveIn { get { return "New York"; } }
public string Study { get { return "gamma ray"; } }
public string Play() { return "Playing with " + Study + " and trying not to get angry in" + LiveIn; }
And DrJekyll turns to MrHyde, BruceBanner to Hulk using inheritance. But inheritance ask to put 'virtual' on the original source code. It may not be possible.
public class DrJekyll : IPlayer
public virtual string Play() ...
public class MrHyde : DrJekyll
public override string Play() { return "Sneaking around " + LiveIn + " viciously"; }
public class BruceBanner : IPlayer
public virtual string Play() ...
public class Hulk : BruceBanner
public override string Play() { return "Hate " + Study + " and rampage around " + LiveIn; }
Or composition can be used like below. MrHyde has OtherSelf DrJekyll and Hulk BruceBanner. Though notice the repetitive codes - OtherSelf, LiveIn.
public class MrHyde : IPlayer
public DrJekyll OtherSelf { get; private set; }
public string LiveIn { get { return OtherSelf.LiveIn; } }
public MrHyde( DrJekyll p ) { OtherSelf = p; }
public string Play() { return "Sneaking around " + LiveIn + " viciously"; }
public class Hulk : IPlayer
public BruceBanner OtherSelf { get; private set; }
public string LiveIn { get { return OtherSelf.LiveIn; } }
public Hulk ( BruceBanner p ) { Self = p; }
public string Play() { return "Hate " + OtherSelf.Study + " and rampage around " + LiveIn; }
The repetitive code can be bundled up to a generic class OtherSelf
public abstract class OtherSelf< T > : IPlayer where T : IPlayer
public T Self{ get; private set; }
public PlayerBase( T otherSelf ) { Self = otherSelf; }
public string LiveIn { return Self.LiveIn; }
public abstract string Play();
public class MrHyde : OtherSelf< DrJekyll >
public MrHyde( DrJekyll p ) : base( p ) {}
public override string Play() { return "Sneaking around " + LiveIn + " viciously"; }
public class Hulk : OtherSelf< BruceBanner >
public Hulk( BruceBanner p ) : base( p ) {}
public override string Play() { return "Hate " + Self.Study + " and jumping around " + LiveIn; }
I didn't bother to check syntax on above code so please treat above as pseudo code.