essay on programming languages, computer science, information techonlogies and all.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

C++ thread

std::thread with static function


void called_from_static_fn( const std::string& arg )
  // ...

std::thread t1(called_from_static_fn, "static");
// ...

std::thread with member fn

class Foo
	void Bar( const string& arg)
		// ...

Foo foo;
thread t1(&Foo::Bar, &foo, "member");
// ...

std::thread with lambda

int ret = 0;
thread t( [ &ret ](int m, int n) { ret = m + n; }, 2, 4 );

std::thread in array

static int twice(int m) { return 2 * m; }

vector< thread > threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
  threads.push_back( thread(twice, i));

for (auto& t : threads)

catch exception in a thread

static int DoNotTryAtHome()
  throw exception("I said NO");

thread t1(DoNotTryAtHomeNoThrow);

use mutex on shared variable

class Foo 
	int m_Bar = 0;
	mutex m_LockBar;
	void AddBarSafe(int add)
		lock_guard< mutex > guard(m_LockBar);
		int temp = m_Bar;
		m_Bar = temp + add;

	Foo foo;
	vector ts;
	ts.emplace_back(thread{ &Foo::AddBarSafe, &foo, 2 });
	ts.emplace_back(thread{ &Foo::AddBarSafe, &foo, 3 });
	ts.emplace_back(thread{ &Foo::AddBarSafe, &foo, 4 });

	for (auto& t : ts) {  t.join(); }

std::thread on class operator()

struct funcCount
	int &i;
	funcCount(int& i_) : i(i_) {}
	void operator()()
		for (unsigned j = 0; j < 1000; ++j)

	int some_local_state = 0;
	funcCount my_func(some_local_state);
	std::thread my_thread(my_func);
	// my_thread.detach();				// undefined behaviour


class thread_guard
	std::thread& t;
	explicit thread_guard(std::thread& t_) : t(t_) {}
		if (t.joinable()) t.join(); 

	thread_guard(thread_guard const&) = delete;
	thread_guard operator = (thread_guard const &) = delete;

void do_something_stupid()
	for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
		if (i % 5 == 0)
			throw std::exception("ooops");

	int some_local_state = 0;
		funcCount my_func(some_local_state);
		std::thread t(my_func);
		thread_guard g(t);
	catch (...)

move around thread

	std::thread t1(called_from_static_fn, "static");
	std::thread t2 = std::move(t1);
	t1 = std::thread(&TestMultiThread::called_from_member_fn, this, "static");
	std::thread t3;
	t3 = std::move(t2);
	// t1 = std::move(t3);   //  terminate



	future result(async(called_from_static_fn, "static"));

	Foo foo;
	future result(async(&Foo::Bar, &foo, "member"));

	future result(async([](int m, int n) { return m + n; }, 2, 4));
	int ret = result.get();

	vector< future< int > > futures;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		futures.push_back(async(twice, i));

	for (auto& e : futures)
		cout << e.get() << endl;

async will throw exception at convenient time

	future result(async(DoNotTryAtHome));
		int ret = result.get();
	catch (exception& ex)
		printf("exception caught : %s", ex.what());

wait for future

	future f = async( [](){ cout << "bar" << endl; } );
	if (f.wait_for(chrono::milliseconds(0)) == future_status::deferred)
		cout << "foo and wait for bar" << endl;
		while (f.wait_for(chrono::milliseconds(10)) != future_status::ready)
			cout << "foo waiting ... " << endl;

		cout << "foo" << endl;


	mutex m_LockReadyProcess;
	condition_variable m_Condition;
	string m_Log;
	bool m_Ready = false;
	bool m_Processed = false;

void worker_thread()
	unique_lock lock(m_LockReadyProcess);
	m_Condition.wait(lock, [=]{return m_Ready; });

	cout << "Worker thread is processing data\n";
	m_Log += " after processing";

	m_Processed = true;
	cout << "Worker thread signals data processing completed\n";


	thread worker( &TestMultiThread::worker_thread, this);

	m_Log = "Example data";

		lock_guard guard(m_LockReadyProcess);
		m_Ready = true;
		cout << "main() signals data ready for processing\n";

		unique_lock lock(m_LockReadyProcess);
		m_Condition.wait(lock, [=]{return m_Processed; });
	cout << "Back in main(), data = " << m_Log << '\n';


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Cryptography tutorial using Poco

Poco has crypto module and here is a tutorial of cryptography using Poco. Symmetric encryption is encrypt and decrypt using a key known by two player. Simple but hard to make key to be safe.

#include "Poco/Crypto/Cipher.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/CipherKey.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/CipherFactory.h"

auto& factory = CipherFactory::defaultFactory();
string transmission;

  Cipher* alice = factory.createCipher( CipherKey( 
    "aes-256-ecb", "open sesame"));
  transmission = alice->encryptString( 
    "Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, ... Skeleton Island ESE and by E");

  Cipher* bob = factory.createCipher( CipherKey( 
    "aes-256-ecb", "open sesame"));
  string decrypted = bob->decryptString(transmission);
  assert(decrypted == 
    "Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, ... Skeleton Island ESE and by E");
To remove this unsafe key, asymmetric encryption can be used. To do it, first priavate and public key should be generated. OpenSSL can be used like below.

>openssl.exe genrsa -des3 -out private_bob.pem 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
unable to write 'random state'
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Enter pass phrase for private_bob.pem:
Verifying - Enter pass phrase for private_bob.pem:

>openssl.exe rsa -in private_bob.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public_bob.pem
Enter pass phrase for private_bob.pem:
writing RSA key

Then Alice can encode message using Bob's public key. Then only Bob can decode it using his private key.

#include "Poco/Crypto/RSAKey.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/RSADigestEngine.h“

auto& factory = CipherFactory::defaultFactory();
string transmission;

  Cipher* alice = factory.createCipher(RSAKey( "public_bob.pem"));
  transmission = alice->encryptString(
    "Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, ... Skeleton Island ESE and by E");

  Cipher* bob = factory.createCipher(RSAKey( "", "private_bob.pem", "bobbob"));
  string decrypted = bob->decryptString(transmission);
  assert(decrypted == "Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, ... Skeleton Island ESE and by E");
The assymetric encryption can be extended to make contract between two players which is called digital signature.
Here, Alice can verify Bob's digital signature with the contract he promised.

// Poco::DigestEngine::Digest is std::vector 
tuple transmission;

  string contract = 
    "Alice will give Bob $100 and Bob will give Alice two magic mushrooms";
  RSADigestEngine bob(RSAKey("", "private_bob.pem", "bobbob"));
  transmission = make_tuple(contract, bob.signature());

  RSADigestEngine alice(RSAKey("public_bob.pem"));
  bool isValid = alice.verify(get<1>(transmission));
  assert(isValid == true);

Imagine, Alice get greedy and forged the contract, then Bob's signature doesn't work anymore.

// Poco::DigestEngine::Digest is std::vector 
tuple transmission;

  string contract = 
    "Alice will give Bob $100 and Bob will give Alice two magic mushrooms";
  RSADigestEngine bob(RSAKey("", "private_bob.pem", "bobbob"));
  transmission = make_tuple(contract, bob.signature());

  RSADigestEngine alice(RSAKey("public_bob.pem"));
    "Alice will give Bob $100 and Bob will give Alice three magic mushrooms");
  bool isValid = alice.verify(get<1>(transmission));
  assert(isValid == false);
This digital signature can be extended further to digital coin. First chained transaction should be established. Here is a diagram from Satoshi Nakamoto's paper which shows the concept.

Here, Queen generate coin and give it to Alice; Queen use Alice's public key to generate transaction hash and sign the hash using majesty private key.

struct Transaction
  string Hash;
  vector Signature;

Transaction queenToAlice;
  // Queen
  RSAKey alicePublic("public_alice.pem");
  stringstream alicePublickey;;

  Crypto::DigestEngine hasher("SHA256");
  hasher.update("Queen's own right to create coin");
  string hash = Crypto::DigestEngine::digestToHex(

  RSADigestEngine queen(RSAKey("", "private_queen.pem", "queenqueen"));

  queenToAlice = Transaction{ hash, queen.signature() };
Now, Alice can verify Queen's benevolence using Queen's public key.

  // Alice
  RSADigestEngine alice(RSAKey("public_queen.pem"));
  alice.update( queenToAlice.Hash );
  assert( true == alice.verify(queenToAlice.Signature));
Then Alice send the coin to Bob; Update the transaction 's hash with Bob's public key and sign it with Alice's private key.

Transaction aliceToBob;
  // Alice
  RSAKey bobPublic("public_bob.pem");
  stringstream bobPublickey;;

  Crypto::DigestEngine hasher("SHA256");
  string hash = Crypto::DigestEngine::digestToHex(

  RSADigestEngine alice(RSAKey("", 
    "private_alice.pem", "alicealice"));

  aliceToBob = Transaction{ hash, alice.signature() };
And Bob can verfiy Alice's coin given to himself.

  // Bob
  RSADigestEngine bob(RSAKey("public_alice.pem"));
  assert(true == bob.verify(aliceToBob.Signature));
The genuine idea of Bitcoin is BlockChain which verify the transaction in decentralized way. Here is another excerpt from the paper.
It says there should be proof-of-work ; which is basically finding a additional string - nounce - that make hash to start with number of '0' characters. Finding nounce is hard but verifying it is easy. Here is how to verify nounce.

struct Transaction {  string Hash, Signature; };

struct Block {
  string PrevHash, Nounce;
  vector Transactions;

Block t0 = {
  "Hello, world!", "4250",  { Transaction{ "", "" } }

// verfiy t0 block's transactions and proof-of-work
for (auto tx : t0.Transactions) {
  hasher.update(tx.Hash); hasher.update(tx.Signature);

t1.PrevHash = Crypto::DigestEngine::digestToHex(hasher.digest());
assert(t1.PrevHash.substr(0, 4) == "0000");
Here is a way to finding nounce by brute-force.

// gather transactions
t1.Transactions = { 
  Transaction{ "ab", "cd" }, 
  Transaction{ "12", "34" }, 
  Transaction{ "56", "78" } };

// race for the nounce
for (int nounce = 0;; ++nounce)
  for (auto tx : t1.Transactions) {
    hasher.update(tx.Hash); hasher.update(tx.Signature);

  string hash = Crypto::DigestEngine::digestToHex(hasher.digest());
  if (hash.substr(0, 4) == "0000") {
    t1.Nounce = to_string(nounce);

// broadcast t1 block to world