essay on programming languages, computer science, information techonlogies and all.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Using .NET assembly in C++ via COM Interoperability

.NET assembly can be exposed as COM and C++ import it using ATL COM interface. Data should be marshalled to / from .NET Here is a IFoo declared using C# and its usage in C++ using ATL COM.

namespace MyCompany.Lib
    public interface IFoo
        int Bar(int arg);

    public class Foo : IFoo
        public int Bar(int arg)
            return 42 + arg;

#include < atlbase.h >
#include < atlcom.h >
#include < atlstr.h >

#import "...\MyCompany.Lib.tlb" named_guids

  using namespace MyCompany_Lib;
  IFooPtr foo(__uuidof(Foo));
  long ret = foo->Bar(42);
  assert(ret == 84);
In C++ project, there will be tlb which has GUID of IFoo and Foo class.

namespace MyCompany.Lib {

struct __declspec(uuid("71d1b3cd-3ce8-46b8-bf36-329543717f03")) IFoo;

_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFoo, __uuidof(IFoo));

struct __declspec(uuid("71d1b3cd-3ce8-46b8-bf36-329543717f03"))
IFoo : IDispatch
    long Bar (long arg );

    virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Bar ( long arg, long * pRetVal ) = 0;

struct __declspec(uuid("6f1c4cfc-4bbf-46a1-a9dd-98a4d83691d1")) Foo;

#include "...\MyCompany.Lib.tli"

And tli file that has helper method that deals with COM boundary - HRESULT and exception handling.

inline long IFoo::Bar ( long arg ) {
    long _result = 0;
    HRESULT _hr = raw_Bar(arg, &_result);
    if (FAILED(_hr)) _com_issue_errorex(_hr, this, __uuidof(this));
    return _result;
Note that C# project should register the .NET assembly. Or tlbimp.exe should be used. Also before deloy the .NET assembly, it should be signed so that it can be registerd and exposed to COM framework of Windows.
At C#, there can be numer of different ComInterfaceType which are mapped to different interface.

public interface IFoo

public interface IFoo

public interface IFoo

class IUnknown {
  virtual HRESULT QueryInterface( REFIID riid, __RPC_FAR *ppvObject) = 0;
  virtual ULONG AddRef( void) = 0;
  virtual ULONG Release( void) = 0;

class IDispatch : public IUnknown {
  virtual HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount(UINT *pctinfo) = 0;        
  virtual HRESULT GetTypeInfo( ...) = 0;
  virtual HRESULT GetIDsOfNames( ... ) = 0;
  virtual HRESULT Invoke( ... ) = 0;

// tlb
IFoo : IUnknown

IFoo : IDispatch

IFoo : IDispatch

There is ClassInterfaceType. 'AutoDual' add interface method of C# Object class.

public class Foo : IFoo

public class ProgressBase

// tlb

struct __declspec(uuid("6f1c4cfc-4bbf-46a1-a9dd-98a4d83691d1"))

struct __declspec(uuid("97754ee6-048b-3d1d-a477-deb25d4bc983"))
_ProgressBase : IDispatch
    _bstr_t ToString;

    _bstr_t GetToString ( );
    VARIANT_BOOL Equals ( const _variant_t & obj );
    long GetHashCode ( );
    _TypePtr GetType ( );


Property of C# can be access using Getxxx(), Putxxx(). Or it can be directly accessed like member variable.

    public interface IFoo
        int Koo { get; set; }

    public class Foo : IFoo
        public int Koo

IFooPtr foo(__uuidof(Foo));

ret = foo->GetKoo();
assert(ret == 42);

foo->Koo = 11;
assert(foo->Koo == 11);
ret = foo->GetKoo();
assert(ret == 11);
C# Exception will cause HRESULT to be retured as FAIL and will be rethrown as com_error at tli code.

    public class Foo : IFoo
        public int Bar(int arg)
            if( arg != 42 )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                   "Only 42 allowed");

            return 42 + arg;

IFooPtr foo(__uuidof(Foo));

  ret = foo->Bar(43);
catch (_com_error& ex)
  cout << ex.Source() << " ," << ex.Description() << endl;

> MyCompany.Lib , Only 42 allowed
ProgId can be declared and used instead of GUID to locate specific COM object.

namespace MyCompany.Lib
    public interface IFoo
        int Bar(int arg);

    public class Foo : IFoo
        public int Bar(int arg)
            return 42 + arg;

IFooPtr foo = IFooPtr(L"MyCompany.Lib.Foo");
ret = foo->Bar(42);
assert(ret == 84);

Copy data between C# and C++, marshalling should handled. In here, C++ call CreateImage with image pointer. Then C# marshall the image data to .NET space and then wrap it up to another interface and return it to C++ like a handle.

public interface IImage
    byte[] Data { get; }
    int Width { get; }
    int Height { get; }
    byte GetPixel(int x, int y);

internal class ImageBase : IImage
    public byte[] Data { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }
    public int Height { get; set; }
    public byte GetPixel(int x, int y)
        return Data[y * Width + x];

public interface IImageFactory
    IImage CreateImage(
      IntPtr data, int width, int height);

public interface IImageFactory
    IImage CreateImage(
      IntPtr data, int width, int height);

public class ImageFactory : IImageFactory
     public IImage CreateImage(
        IntPtr data, int width, int height )
        int size = width * height;
        byte[] managedData = new byte[size];
        Marshal.Copy(data, managedData, 0, size);
        return new ImageBase { 
           Data = managedData, 
           Width = width, 
           Height = height 

vector m(320 * 240, 0);
m[24 + 42 * 320] = 0x42;

IImageFactoryPtr fab(__uuidof(ImageFactory));
IImagePtr image = fab->CreateImage_2( 
   (LONG), 320, 240);

uint8_t pixelValue = image->GetPixel(24, 42);
assert(pixelValue == 0x42);
C# enum go through barrier by tli which declare C++ enum - weak type - with a unique underscored name.

public enum AlgorithmTarget
    General = 0,
    Scratch = 1,
    Brightness = 2,
    Focus = 3,

public interface IAlgorithm
    AlgorithmTarget Target { get; }

public class ThresholdAlgorithm : IAlgorithm
    public AlgorithmTarget Target {
        get {
            return AlgorithmTarget.Brightness;

// tlb
enum __declspec(uuid("dd6ef614-ca16-43c1-9fd8-cba386fd43c1"))
    AlgorithmTarget_General = 0,
    AlgorithmTarget_Scratch = 1,
    AlgorithmTarget_Brightness = 2,
    AlgorithmTarget_Focus = 3

// cpp
IAlgorithmPtr algo(__uuidof(ThresholdAlgorithm));
assert(algo->Target == AlgorithmTarget_Brightness);
C# Struct maps to C++ struct by tlb. Note 'int' is changed to 'long'.

public struct Defect
    public int X;
    public int Y;
    public int Area;

public interface IAlgorithm
    int GetDefectCount();
    void FillDefect(int index, ref Defect d);
    Defect GetDefect(int index);

public class ThresholdAlgorithm : IAlgorithm
    public int GetDefectCount() { return 2; }
    public Defect GetDefect(int index)
        return new Defect { X = 3, Y = 2, Area = 1 };
    public void FillDefect(int index, ref Defect d)
        d.X = 1;
        d.Y = 2;
        d.Area = 3;

// tlb
#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct __declspec
    long x;
    long y;
    long Area;

IAlgorithmPtr algo(__uuidof(ThresholdAlgorithm));
assert(algo->GetDefectCount() == 2);

Defect d = algo->GetDefect(0);
assert(d.x == 3);
assert(d.y == 2);
assert(d.Area == 1);

algo->FillDefect(0, &d);
assert(d.x == 1);
assert(d.y == 2);
assert(d.Area == 3);
IEnumerable is mapped to IEnumVARIANTPtr. C++ part can be bit strong to swallow though.

public interface IAlgorithm
    void SetImage(int index, IImage image);

    IEnumerable Images { get; }

    System.Collections.IEnumerator GetImageEnumerator();

public class ThresholdAlgorithm : IAlgorithm
    IDictionary IndexedImages = 
       new Dictionary();

    public void SetImage(int index, IImage image)
        if( IndexedImages.ContainsKey(index)) {
            IndexedImages[index] = image;
        } else {
            IndexedImages.Add(index, image);

    public IEnumerable Images { 
        get { return IndexedImages.Values; }

    public IEnumerator GetImageEnumerator() {
        return IndexedImages.Values.GetEnumerator();

IAlgorithmPtr algo(__uuidof(ThresholdAlgorithm));

IImageFactoryPtr fab(__uuidof(ImageFactory));
algo->SetImage(0, fab->CreateImage_3(320, 240, 8, 42));
algo->SetImage(1, fab->CreateImage_3(64, 128, 8, 255));

IEnumVARIANTPtr I = algo->GetImageEnumerator();
for (;;)
    _variant_t v;
    ULONG count = 0;
    if (FAILED(I->Next(1, &v, &count)) || count != 1)

    IImagePtr image(v.punkVal);
    uint8_t pixelValue = image->GetPixel(0, 0);
    if (image->Width == 320) {
        assert(pixelValue == 42);
    } else {
        assert(pixelValue == 255);
Callback can be tricky. Here is example code that can log using ATL IDispEventImpl

public interface IProgress
    [DispId(1)] void Info(string msg);

    [DispId(2)] void Warn(string msg);

public class ProgressBase
    public delegate void LogFn(string msg);

    public event LogFn Info;
    public event LogFn Warn;

    protected void FireInfo(string msg)
        if (Info == null) return;

    protected void FireWarn(string msg)
        if (Warn == null) return;

public interface IAlgorithm
    void Run(string arg);

public class ThresholdAlgorithm : 
  ProgressBase, IAlgorithm
  public void Run(string arg)
    if( arg == "bar")
        "Warning:This algo does work well with bar");

    FireInfo( string.Format(
      "Starting Algorithm with {0}", arg ));

    FireInfo( string.Format( 
      "Stopped Algorithm with {0}", arg ));

  named_guids no_namespace rename("_Module", "_NETModule")

#import "...\MyCompany.Lib.tlb" named_guids


class LogSink : public IDispEventImpl< 
  1, LogSink, &MyCompany_Lib::DIID_IProgress>
    SINK_ENTRY_INFO(1, MyCompany_Lib::DIID_IProgress, 
      1, OnInfo, &LogFnInfo)
    SINK_ENTRY_INFO(1, MyCompany_Lib::DIID_IProgress, 
      2, OnWarn, &LogFnInfo)

  LogSink(MyCompany_Lib::_ProgressBase* pbase)
    m_ProgressBase = pbase;


  void __stdcall OnInfo(BSTR msg)
    _bstr_t bmsg(msg,false);
    cout << "Info : " << bmsg << endl;

  void __stdcall OnWarn(BSTR msg)
    _bstr_t bmsg(msg, false);
    cout << "Warn : " << bmsg << endl;

  MyCompany_Lib::_ProgressBase* m_ProgressBase;

using namespace MyCompany_Lib;
IAlgorithmPtr algo(__uuidof(ThresholdAlgorithm));
LogSink logger((_ProgressBase*)(IAlgorithm *)algo);


Info : Starting Algorithm with foo
Info : Stopped Algorithm with foo
Warn : Warning : This algo does work well with bar
Info : Starting Algorithm with bar
Info : Stopped Algorithm with bar

Thursday, May 10, 2018

C++/CLI to expose C++ code to C#

Define interface with C#. And also base class if needed.

    // IFoo.cs
    public interface IFoo
        string Bar(int arg1, string arg2);

    // FooBase.cs 
    public abstract class FooBase : IFoo
        public virtual string Bar(int arg1, string arg2)
            return arg1.ToString() + arg2;
Now C++/CLI code. First make Native C++ class - NativeFoo - that suit whatever need. Then define managed class Foo that sit between C++ and C# code. Note how the Foo::Bar() convert C# String to C++ std::string and vice versa.

// Foo.hpp

class NativeFoo
	std::string Bar(int arg1, const std::string& arg2)
		return arg2 + std::to_string(arg1);

public ref class Foo : public FooBase
	NativeFoo* m_Native;

		: m_Native( new NativeFoo )  

		delete m_Native;

	String^ Bar(int arg1, String^ arg2) override
		std::string sarg2 = msclr::interop::marshal_as< std::string >(arg2);
		std::string bared = m_Native->Bar(arg1, sarg2);
		String^ ret = msclr::interop::marshal_as< String^ >(bared);
		return ret;
Then the managed Foo can be created and Bar() can be used like any C# class.

  IFoo f = new Foo();
  string ret = f.Bar(42, "The answer is ");

Now callback from C++ to C#. First define callback in C# using delegate - OnFooFn.

    public delegate void OnFooFn(IFoo foo, string msg);

    public interface IFoo
        OnFooFn OnFoo
Then FooBase has a helper to call callback - FireOnFoo()

    public abstract class FooBase : IFoo
        public OnFooFn OnFoo { get; set; }

        public void FireOnFoo( string msg)
            if (OnFoo != null)
                OnFoo( this, msg);
Now native C++ class has a callback fn that will callback whatever call Bar().

class NativeFoo
	std::string Bar(int arg1, const std::string& arg2)
		m_FooFn("What is the question ?");
		return arg2 + std::to_string(arg1);

	using CallbackFooFn = std::function< void(std::string) >;
	void SetCallbackFoo(CallbackFooFn fn) { m_FooFn = fn; }

	CallbackFooFn m_FooFn = [](const std::string& arg) {};  // default dummy callback
Managed class can't set the above callback directly. It needs a bridge - CallbackBridgeFoo. Using this class, the C++ callback can be made through C#.

class CallbackBridgeFoo
	NativeFoo* m_Native;
	gcroot< FooBase^ > m_CLR;  // FooBase has FireOnFoo()

	CallbackBridgeFoo(NativeFoo* native, FooBase^ clr)
		m_Native = native;
		m_CLR = clr;

		m_Native->SetCallbackFoo([this](const std::string& msg)
			String^ smsg = msclr::interop::marshal_as< String^ >(msg);

public ref class Foo : public FooBase
	NativeFoo* m_Native;
	CallbackBridgeFoo* m_Bridge;

		: m_Native( new NativeFoo )  
		m_Bridge = new CallbackBridgeFoo(m_Native, this);

		delete m_Bridge;
		delete m_Native;

Finally, C# can enjoy the C++ callback.

            IFoo f = new Foo();
            f.OnFoo = (sender, msg) => { Console.WriteLine(msg); }; 
            string ret = f.Bar(42, "The answer is ");